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  Man doesn't STFU when told.

  Date Posted: 15/12/2006 Author: P.M. Greaves
A Bristol man has decided to sue his local Council after being told to 'STFU' in a response to a request filed for cutting down an intrusive tree in his garden earlier this year.

I was like "ZOMG WTF? FFS! when I read it" Mr Fúkt informed us.

"I'd just come in from having a BBQ with my G/F (29/f/Bristol) and I saw the letter lying on the doormat. I opened it and had seen that my request had been rejected and that in future I should STFU. I was stunned in a state of OMG for ages IIRC".

When Mr Fúkt approached his local council to query the letter, the head of planning claimed to know nothing of the letter Mr Fúkt had been sent.

"ORLY?" Exclaimed the planning chief.

"And I told him to it straight saying, YA RLY".

Mr Fúkt is considering legal action to thoroughly PWN the people responsible.

A legal representative we spoke to fully expects Mr Fúkt to be awarded damages FTW in court.
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